Sunday, October 4, 2009

Beginning of an Obsession

Once again he was watching me. I knew he was, I could feel his eyes scanning every part of my anatomy. It was as if a soft gentle touch ran down my back, all the way down my body and back up again. It was a mixture of fear and excitement that invaded my body, giving rise to carnal desire. I began to undress very slowly, with my back to the window. And I couldn’t help but wonder about his building excitement, all the time wondering if I was doing it correctly.. There has never been a right or wrong way of taking off you clothes, but when a man is watching you with unblinking eyes, savoring every delicate gesture, you can’t help but want to put on a good show. He derived a great pleasure in watching me. And I had to admit, I was kind of turn on by this invasion of privacy.
I wasn’t sure what his real intensions were, part of me knew that he meant danger. But the other part of me was filled with sexual excitement, just the thought of him watching me, wanting me; it created a false sense of power in me. Edge on by a building curiosity as to who my unrequited admirer was, I was more than willing to invite him in. But the beast inside me, kept telling me I was in mortal danger, and I told myself again that he wanted to hurt me, why else would he stalk me.
It has already been five days since he began following me, watching from a safe distance. It was at the back of an alley, just outside of a trendy new club where he found me. I was making out with a cute boy who told me he was in college. Unfortunately for him, his youthful face and his lack of sexual experience told me he was lying. But I didn’t care; I was indulging myself with him. In all honesty, I was the one who was taking advantage of him, I was the one on the hunt, and he was my helpless pray.
So without any further delay, I decided that it had been long enough, the beast inside me was craving his blood and it had been a while since I last tasted an innocent man’s blood. So without hesitation, I pull his face away from mine, he was startle for a second, but before he could say a word I look deep into his eyes and used my mind trick on him. The cat’s eye hypnotic gaze was the most efficient way for my kind to force humans to do anything we pleased without them ever realizing it. He was under my spell now, and no one was around, this was the perfect moment to indulge myself in the thrill of death.
This was the most dangerous moment a hunter and prey would ever share, the moment when I would sink in my teeth into his flesh tearing it open letting his life escape his frail body. So I sank my teeth into the left side of his delicate neck and began draining his blood, letting it flow inside me. It was a moment of true bliss as I let the taste of his young and innocent blood fill my aching body and soul. His heart began to race, faster and faster with an uneven pace. Suddenly, the strong, wild sound of his beating heart and the sweet taste of his blood filling my mouth brought back long forgotten memories of the wild. Those were the long forgotten happy days when I or “He” used to run wild through the savage dark forest of Africa.
I closed my eyes and let the memories flow, never forgetting the fact that the heart of my prey was beginning to loose its strong rhythm. It was time; I had to pull back now before I truly endangered his life even more that I already had. I pulled away from him, and then look back at the bite mark I left on his white skin. Placing a hand over the wound I ordered the teeth marks to disappear. Then I gently lay him on the ground and lean him back against the wall. His eyes were now closed, he looked so innocent and I felt a horrible wave of remorse wash over me. What had I just done, I had endangered the life of an innocent boy just to satiate my beast’s craving for blood. And I felt self loathing for what I did.
I closed my eyes in order to try and block the painful memory of what I just did, but suddenly everything changed. My beast’s senses kicked in and I was able to detect someone watching me. I opened my eyes as a danger alarm when off in my head. Someone had seen what I did and that was never a good thing. Now a sense of anger was filling my body, how could I have been so careless? This was bad, really, really bad. Stop! Yelled the voice inside my head, I had to calm down and think this rationally. I was going to do something but I needed to think things clearly.
I knew I was being watched, but I needed to act like I was still unaware of that. Whoever was watching me had not sounded the alarm after seeing me suck the blood of him. I decided to bend down as if to try and pick up the man off the ground. And then I used my supernatural senses in order to find out the location of my enemy. I used my advance hearing to listen to everything around. (cont.)

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